
Personal Exercises/Algorithms

Lastest Update: 2022

Binary Search Tree Validator

Separate the integers with a space.

    The Question

    A binary tree is classified as a binary search tree if all the non-null nodes exhibit two properties:

    • The left subtree of each node contains only nodes with values that are higher than its own value.
    • The right subtree of each node contains only values that are higher than its own value.

    A pre-order traversal is a recursive tree traversal method where the current node is visited first, then the left subtree, then the right subtree. Given a pre-order traversal history of a binary tree, check whether the path represents a valid binary search tree.

    Project Information

    This coding exercise was first introduced by my friend, who had this question as part of his interview for a job. This was done before I was familiar with handling such data structures, and I first struggled when encountering this question. While I knew how to develop the data structure, I was stuck for quite a while regarding the traversal of the given inputs.

    Initially, I was focused on how to handle the traversal back up from each child node when the next value was larger than the previous. I was not able to come up with a clean and consistent solution that fits for all cases with this method of traversal. The solution came to me after I remembered what I read about regarding trees during my self studies, where they traverse down from the root, which instantly gave way to my solution, resetting my traversal from root each time a value seems like it cannot be inserted.

    This exercise was certainly meaningful for me, seeing how this was an actual interview question and how I have to look in other perspectives to come with a clean and consistent solution.

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