Lastest Update: 2020

Game Description

N30 is a First-Person, Puzzle Stealth Game that focuses on the idea of information warfare, requiring Players to use what they know to their advantage to solve puzzles and avoid threats to accomplish the game's objective.

Throughout the game, Players are to hack and manipulate electronics to scout areas, solve puzzles and progress while staying hidden at all times.

Game Features

  • First-Person Puzzle Stealth Game.
  • Solve Interesting Puzzles through Hacking and Object Interaction.
  • Gameplay centering around Information Warfare with Stealth as a Priority.
  • Beautiful 3D Indoor Environment and Level Design.

Project Information

N30 is my Final Year Project of my Diploma in Games Design and Development at Singapore Polytechnic, developed with a team of 3 artists and 3 programmers. We wanted to make a realistic 3D game that puts our technical skills that we have learnt over the years to the test.

Some notable contributions I had in this project includes development of the player controls, templates and development of hackable and interactable objects, which utilised the concept of polymorphism, most GUI functionality and animations as well as game optimisation

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Producer/Project Lead
  • Programmer
  • Development of Player Controller
  • Development of Hackables and Interactables
  • Asset, UI and Visual Feedback Integration
  • UI Animations
  • Post-Processing
  • Game Optimisation

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