SP DGDD/Online Multiplayer Game

Lastest Update: 2020

Game Description

Risk & Lines is a 2D casual Multiplayer Online Mobile Game where players stand off against each other with 2 available actions - travelling and blinking. Travelling will cause the player to draw a line while moving from dot to dot while blinking will instantly teleport the player to a dot. Avoid falling behind and touching other players' lines to stay alive and aim to be the last one standing!

Game Features

  • 2D Online Multiplayer Game.
  • Casual Game with a hint of Strategy.
  • Supports up to 4 Players per Game.
  • Intense Gameplay with Difficulty that scales with Time.

Project Information

Developed with Unity and Photon PUN, Risk & Lines is the first online multiplayer game that I have developed as part of a pair assignment during my diploma studies. The networking was by far the greatest adversity that I faced in this project as it was a new topic and it was difficult to grasp how the networking function worked with Photon View and Remote Procedure Calls when we first started.

Apart from dealing with the networking functions, I also developed the algorithm for the spawning of travel points (dots) which had to be random, and influence the game to be more difficult overtime, ensuring that it becomes more sparse as time goes on, and allowed me to apply programming concepts such as object pooling.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Networking Functions
  • Gameplay Programmer
  • Creating UI Animations
  • Game Optimisation and Debugging

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