Personal Project/Electron React

Lastest Update: 2022

Application Description

Xell Tools and Utilities is a personalised application meant to assist with daily and mundane tasks. In its current iteration, it is incorporated with a mass file renaming tool as well as a calendar component.

Application Features

  • Mass file renaming tool.
  • Rename both file Names and file extensions.
  • Smart renaming system - assigning unused index in directories.
  • Rename files in multiple folders in one go.
  • Add your own filters to search for files via extensions.
  • Calendar component to organise your schedule.
  • Easily post notes that span over a duration of time.
  • Switch between daily and monthly scheduled notes.

Project Information

Tools and Utilities is a personal project developed with Electron and React-Redux. This application has gone through 3 iterations, with what started as a Unity based application, to an Electron application and then finally an Electron-React application that also uses the Redux architecture.

I developed this app with a personal use in mind as I like to download a collection of art that I found online. I wanted a tool that can easily allow me to rename files as per the naming conventions that I like, despite being aware that Windows file explorer also had a mass file renaming function. As the years went by, I started to use this application as a learning opportunity to explore beyond Unity and decided that Electron would be a good start for me to learn Javascript while learning about other frameworks, before eventually redeveloping it together with React and Redux because of the advantages these frameworks and architecture brought.

A calendar component has also been added, allowing users to add notes and events to organise their schedule. I was interested in developing a calendar component as a platform for learning, incoporating specialised libraries such as luxon for datetime as well as a database system to store notes. My choice of database was Sqlite 3, specifically the node-sqlite3 package developed by TryGhost on Github as I preferred to start with a local database.

I try to improve the app for every iteration in both its aesthetics and functionality, developing my own smart renaming system, additional forms for users to add custom filters and extensions, internal selection system and so on. Overall, this project has been a great platform that I used to learn more about Javascript and some of its popular frameworks and I would like to further improve on this app, encapsulating more features in the future.

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